Comparative Market Analysis
A CMA is both an art and a science. While it’s based on data, it also requires local market knowledge and intuition about which homes to compare and how to interpret the prices. We will analyze recent sales of homes that are similar to yours, preferably within the past two or three months, up to about six months. In addition, we will look at other homes currently on the market and homes that didn’t sell that were taken off the market to compare values.
The comparison of your home with others will include not only the size and the number of bedrooms and baths, but also the condition of your home, the neighborhood and the proximity to amenities. We will send you a detailed CSV report of the homes being analyzed, so you can evaluate the data & our observations so that we can determine your target price together based on your desired outcome.
While it may be tempting to list your home with a real estate broker who tells you it can sell at the highest price, a smarter way to sell your home is to price it as accurately as possible from the beginning. Studies show that an overpriced home that lingers on the market will end up selling for less than the estimated correct price. We have certainly observed this in the field.
Please contact us for a complimentary comparative market analysis (CMA).